32 research outputs found

    Organisatsiooniline kontroll ülikoolide juhtimises: mitmeparadigmaline lähenemine Tartu Ülikooli näitel

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    Tuginedes erinevate teadusfilosoofiliste paradigmade (modernistlik, sümbolistlik ja postmodernistlik) sünteesile on doktoritöö eesmärgiks välja töötada teoreetiline raamistik organisatsioonilise kontrolli mõistmiseks Tartu Ülikooli näitel. Antud eesmärgist kantuna, esimene ehk teoreetiline peatükk hõlmab organisatsioonilise kontrolli alaste käsitluste teadusfilosoofilist korrastamist paradigmade lõikes. Viimast silmas pidades tekib teoreetilises osas kontrollialase kirjanduse süstematiseerimine, mis annab lugejale ülevaatliku pildi sellest, kuidas vastavalt omaksvõetud teadusparadigmale on teadlased seni kontrolli olemust ja toimimist mõistnud. Teine ehk empiiriline peatükk rakendab kolme paradigmat Tartu Ülikooli juhtimisreformi uurimisel ning kolmas peatükk, sünteesides nii teoreetilist kui empiirilist peatükki kujundab metatasandil teoreetilise raamistiku organisatsioonilise kontrolli paremaks mõistmiseks. Doktoritöö tulemusena ilmnes, kuidas organisatsioonilise kontrolli loomus sõltub suuresti tekkinud dominantsetest diskursustest ülikoolis. Doktoritööst selgus, kuidas sisuliselt juhtimisreformi raames tekkinud diskursused keskendusid olemasolevate tähenduste hoidmisele (nt identiteediküsimused), samas põrkuvad otsese vajadusega harjunud tähendusi muuta (nt harjutamine valdkonnapõhise identiteedi vormis mõtlemisega). Kokkuvõttes tõi doktoritöö välja, kuidas olulised muutused ülikoolis ei ole mitte pelgalt komplekssed, vaid tulenevalt ülikoolide traditsioonilisest töökorraldusest sageli ka poliitilistel võimumängudel baseeruvad. Kuna suuremastaabilisi muudatusi juhitakse tsentraalselt tippjuhtkonna poolt, siis võib muudatuste taga peituv argumentatsioon tavatöötajast kaugele jääda. Seetõttu, kuigi muudatuste mõju on hilisemalt kõigile tuntav, ent vähese dialoogi tekkimise tõttu loob see viljaka pinnase ebakindlust ja ärevust sütitavate ning organisatsioonilist kontrolli haarata püüdvate dominantsete diskursuste tekkeks.The aim of the thesis is to offer a framework of organisational control that bases itself on the synthesis of multiple paradigms (modernism, symbolism and postmodernism) on the example of University of Tartu. That said, chapter one will tackle with complex nature of organisational control by mapping the fragmentation of existing control studies, then bringing out the essence of control via multiple paradigms in theory. Second chapter bases itself on multiparadigm research, which applies multiple paradigms witnessed in literature to study organisational control in university management. Finally, metaparadigm theory building chapter can be regarded as a conclusion and discussion that summarises both theoretical and empirical study in order to provide novel theoretical insights at the metalevel. Dissertation led to show how organisational control manifests in finding a strategic fit between sensegiving and sensemaking, a process, which is facilitated and negotiated by a paradox of sensekeeping and sensebreaking. By coupling sensekeeping with sensebreaking results in a paradox or a contradictory state of affairs where at one side there might be a need for a change, possibly with great reasons, yet from another side, these reasons or explanations are not strong enough to undermine the need to keep existing arrangements as they are. According to empirical phases of the thesis, strategic change processes tend to be not only highly complex and politically laden (since they have a great effect of large parts of the organisation), but due to the fact that as a rule they are driven by upper level managers, the communication over the argumentation for and about the essence of the change may stand too far from the organisational members (interpretive realities). Thus, as fundamental change in organisation has wide effects to many, yet the change process is usually managed by few there are lot of hidden possibilities of resistance and dominating discourses to emerge as an attempt to seek organisational control over the perceived uncertainties

    The Poor and Embarrassing Cousin to the Gentrified Quantitative Academics: What Determines the Sample Size in Qualitative Interview-Based Organization Studies?

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    It is essential for scholars to reflect on their research practices and critically assess scientific rigor. In the current article, we aim to critically review the state of qualitative research in organization studies by focusing on trends in sample sizes. Organizational scholars presenting qualitative, interview-based manuscripts tend to face the ongoing challenge of how many interviews are enough. The research reported in this article, covering 11 years and investigating 855 interview-based studies, provides empirical evidence that, across the years, the number of interviews seems to be rather high. The total sample included studies with more than 100 interviews (8% of the sample), more than 50 interviews (34%) and studies with more than 30 interviews (62%). Furthermore, when studies start to increase in sample size, they often do so at the expense of homogeneity across respondents. We conclude by giving some possible explanations for why we are facing such a situation today.Für Forschende ist es essenziell wichtig, die eigenen Praktiken zu reflektieren und das Einhalten wissenschaftlicher Standards kritisch zu beurteilen. In diesem Beitrag unterziehen wir den Status qualitativer Forschung und genauer Trends mit Blick auf Stichprobengrößen in der Organisationswissenschaft einer kritischen Prüfung. Organisationsforscher/innen, die zu Studien veröffentlichen, in denen qualitative Interviews zum Einsatz kamen, sind kontinuierlich mit der Frage konfrontiert, welche Zahl an Interviews ausreichend ist. Um Trends hierzu einschätzen zu können, haben wir Veröffentlichungen zu 855 Interview-basierten Studien über elf Jahre gesichtet. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass die Zahl der geführten Interviews über die Jahre relativ hoch zu sein scheint: Insgesamt wurden in 8% unseres Samples über 100 Interviews, in 34% über 50 Interviews und in 62% über 30 Interviews geführt. Zugleich geht die Erhöhung der Zahl an Interviews mit einem Rückgang homogener Stichproben einher. In unserem Beitrag diskutieren wir mögliche Gründe für diese aktuelle Problemlage

    Akadeemilise karjääri mustrid Tartu Ülikooli doktorantide näitel

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    Teadlase karjäär: Eesti rahvusvahelises taustsüsteemis

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    Käesoleva uurimus annab sisendit selleks, et kavandada meetmeid, kuidas tõsta teadus- ja innovatsioonipoliitika kvaliteeti. Konkreetsemalt keskendub uuring ühele olulisele teadustööd mõjutavale tegurile – teadlastele ja nende karjäärile. Töö kitsama fookusena saab käsitleda taotlust välja selgitada kas ja millised karjäärimudeli toetamise komponendid vajavad täiendavat arendamist ning kas ja kuidas peaks regulatsioone ja toetusmehhanisme muutma, et luua Eestis motiveeriv karjäärimudel. Seirevaldkonnas 6.4 võeti vaatluse alla teadlaskarjääri eripärad Eestis, kaardistades millised tegurid ja kuidas mõjutavad Eesti teadlase karjääri ning hinnata seda rahvusvahelises taustsüsteemis.http://tips.ut.ee/index.php?module=32&op=1&id=353

    Commercial gentrification in post-industrial neighbourhoods : a dynamic view from an entrepreneur's perspective

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    This work was supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (Project No. 319970, DIVERCITIES) and by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (grant number IUT20-49).In urban geography research there is a small supply of articles which reflect upon the aims and motives of entrepreneurs when they enter neighbourhoods that are undergoing a process of gentrification. The aim of this paper is to better understand the explanatory factors behind the timing of entrepreneurial changes that take place during the commercial gentrification process in Tallinn’s post‐industrial neighbourhoods. Based on thirty in‐depth interviews, we propose an explanation from the supply perspective that highlights the dynamics behind motivation‐based influences. By modifying the diffusion of the innovation theory developed by Rogers we are able to show how, during the different phases of the process, groups of pioneers, early adopters, the early and late majority, and laggards enter a neighbourhood that is being gentrified by varying objectives, and associate the dynamics behind the process with the follower effect that is being shaped by knowledge diffusion, a specific market niche, and physical co‐location.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Doktoriõppe tulemuslikkuse analüüs

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    Uuringu 2.4 lõppraportUuringu eesmärgiks on analüüsida doktoriõppe tulemuslikkust Eesti avalik-õiguslikes ülikoolides ning sellest tulenevalt teha ettepanekuid tulevaste doktoriõppe toetusmeetmete arendamiseks. Uuringus antakse ülevaade Eesti ülikoolide doktoriõppe vastuvõtutingimuste eripäradest ja doktoriõppe rahastamise skeemist, otsitakse seoseid doktoriõppe meetmete ja doktoriõppe tulemuslikkuse vahel õppeprotsessi, teadustegevuse ja doktorantide materiaalse toimetuleku aspektist, analüüsitakse põhjalikumalt doktorikoolide poolt antavat lisandväärtust ja nende tegevusega seonduvaid probleeme ja pakutakse välja poliitikasoovitused doktoriõppe tulemuslikkuse tõstmiseks.http://tips.ut.ee/index.php?module=32&op=1&id=366

    Careers of PhD graduates: The role of chance events and how to manage them

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    Global demand for higher education continues to grow, with increasing numbers of doctoral degrees awarded annually. The global academic labor market is growing too, albeit at a slower pace, and this impacts future career prospects of doctoral gradu; however, evaluation of their career outcomes is lacking. We examined the career pathways of PhDs in Estonia from three different cohorts: 2000, 2005 and 2010. The inductive qualitative longitudinal analysis we applied allowed us to reveal factors influencing the career progress of these cohorts, indicating the major impact of chance events on careers. An inductive data analysis – tracking the individual careers of 389 doctorates and conducting 69 in-depth qualitative interviews – revealed that 1) chance events in academia concerned 30% of the sample, 2) national-, institutional- and individual-level chance events exist, and 3) individuals can benefit from chance events by recognizing the case, anticipating possible outcomes, and acting according to the expected career prospects.</p

    Boxplot of the normalized number of articles by grant type (early vs. advanced) and Frascati fields across all grants awarded by the Estonian Research Council between 2013–2022.

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    The outliers with the normalized number of articles above 10 are removed to construct the graph. 1 –Natural sciences; 2 –Engineering and technology; 3 –Medical and health sciences; 4 –Agricultural and veterinary sciences; 5 –Social sciences; 6 –Humanities and the arts. (TIF)</p